9th Grade

Continuing with the High School, College & Career Preparation Instruction students receive in 8th grade, freshman start their high school journey with the courses chosen.


During the Fall semester, information is sent to parents & students regarding college entrance requirements so that students can cross-reference his/her personal course selection and graduation plan to his/her possible future college(s).


Throughout the Fall & Spring semester, students take rigorous courses with challenging curriculum that contains a thread of SAT/ACT/PSAT/TSIA preparation.


As the end of the Fall semester approaches and midterms loom over freshman, students  are reminded of prerequisites needed to take Pre-AP and AP courses during his/her sophomore year.  Students are encouraged to study hard for midterm exams as it will directly affect his/her GPA & Class rank.


At the beginning of the Spring semester, freshman are introduced to his/her first GPA & Class rank calculation and are informed of its importance to college admissions.


During the Spring semester, students are introduced to a CSA counseling video series on How to Think About Choosing a College.  This helps prepare freshmen to get into the mindset of determining what he/she wants out of his/her college experience.


Toward the end of the Spring semester, freshman are given an updated copy of his/her Personal Graduation Plan to help start the annual scheduling process for the subsequent school year.  Freshmen are also given a copy of personalized Graduation Requirements to determine his/her progress toward his/her individual goals for post-secondary success.  College entrance requirements are always a focus of this process to ensure that students earn necessary credits (and associated levels of those credits).