Chaparral Star Academy Home
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Twice the Education,
Half the Time
Half the Time
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About Us
- 4 Hour Day
- 98 - A TEA Accountability Rating
- 14:1 Student-Teacher Ratio
- 9/10 Great Schools Rating
- 100% Graduation Rate
- 10.5 Years Average Teacher Experience
- 2nd Best Elementary Charter School in Austin (Niche)
- 7/8 TEA Distinction Designations
Recent News

School Closed on Tuesday January 21st
Given the anticipated inclement weather, CSA will be closed on Tuesday, January 21st.
Please stay safe , warm and tuned in for further developments.
Please stay safe , warm and tuned in for further developments.

CSA 2-Hour Delay on Tuesday 01/16
Chaparral Star Academy will observe a late start time of 10:00am on Tuesday, January 16, 2024. Students go directly to 4th period class.

CSA Afternoon Session Cancelled 09/08/2023
Due to a local water main break and water shut off to school, CSA has cancelled the afternoon session for September 8, 2023. Parents of morning students can come pick students up early. Personnel will be stationed outside to help retrieve students while parents can wait in the car.