Get on Agenda
At the beginning of every meeting, there is an opportunity for any member of the public to speak. Any member of the public who wishes to speak should place his/her name on the provided sign-up log (different than signing-in for the meeting). However, members of the governing board will not be able to act on any information that may be presented during public comments. If a a board action is desired, a respective action item must be placed on the agenda.
For a proposal to be heard by the governing board with possible action taken at a board meeting, the following procedure will be followed:
- A written proposal will be submitted to school administration at least three business days before the posting deadline at 8:00am (e.g. 8:00am on Monday before the posting deadline on Thursday at 8:00am)
- Administration will finalize the agenda and forward to the board president & superintendent for approval by 4:00pm on the day written proposals are due (e.g. 4:00pm on Monday before the posting deadline on Thursday at 8:00am)
- The written proposal must adhere to the following guidelines:
- The proposal must be typed
- The proposal must contain the name of the person presenting
- The proposal must contain the specific board action being proposed
- If the proposal is a change to an existing policy, the proposal must contain the exact wording to be changed
- If the proposal is a new policy, the proposal must contain the exact wording to be added
- The proposal must contain the specific location to where the new policy will exist (e.g. Student Handbook)
- The proposal must contain an active email address and/or phone number for the person presenting
- The board president & board secretary will approve or deny the request to be added to the agenda before the posting deadline
- Correspondence will be sent to the person requesting to be added to the agenda with the decision of the board president & board secretary
- If the request is denied, it is suggested the issue be presented during public comments at a board meeting
- The final agenda will be approved by the board president & board secretary before the posting deadline
- The posting deadline for an agenda will be 8:00am three business days before & including the day of the board meeting (e.g. 8:00am on Thursday with board meeting at 6:30pm on subsequent Monday), unless the board meeting is on a Wednesday, Thursday or Friday in which case it is four business days to meet the required 72-hour advance notice.
Currently, regular board meetings are scheduled for the 2nd Wednesday of every month except for July. As a result, the Friday before at 8:00am is the posting deadline with written proposals to be submitted by 8:00am on the Tuesday the week before the meeting (with agenda being sent for approval by 4:00pm).