CSA Reverts to Full-Time In-Person for 2021-22 Chaparral Star Academy will revert to full time in-person pursuits for 2021-2022 school year.
New Computer Science Club The CompSci club meets every other Wednesday in Mr. Hance's computer lab (and also on Zoom). The club encourages learning, competition and interest in Computer Science, technology and innovation.
More Students Needed to Report On Campus Last Six-Weeks CSA administration is asking parents to please consider sending students in-person during the last grading cycle and assist in protecting the funding we so vitally need to keep our doors open.
All Students Expected to Report On-Campus for STAAR The mandate has come down that ALL STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO REPORT TO CAMPUS IN PERSON FOR THEIR RESPECTIVE STAAR EXAMS.
CSA Closed Monday, February 22 & No Students on Tuesday, February 23 CSA will remain closed Monday, February 22, conduct on campus professional development on Tuesday, February 23 and return to regular instruction on Wednesday, February 24.
CSA Emergency Closure, Tuesday-Thursday, February 16 -18, 2021 Chaparral Star Academy is officially closed for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (no remote learning...just closed) - February 16 -18, 2021.
CSA 100% remote Friday, February 12, 2021 No in-person classes will be held on Friday, February 12, 2021.
CSA Remote Only for rest of week, Monday - Thursday, December 14 - 17, 2020 No in-person/on-campus activity at CSA for rest of week, Monday - Thursday, December 14 - 17, 2020. Remote instruction only. Friday, December 18, 2020 is a student holiday and begins Winter Break. On-Campus instruction to resume on January 5, 2021.
Editorial Club Publishes First Edition of "Blue Sails" Our Editorial Club published their first edition of “Blue Sails” earlier this week.
National Honors Society Welcomes New Inductees Sponsors Mrs. Ellis and Ms. Lyftogt staged a lovely virtual ceremony for new inductees, current members and officers on October 25th.